Books by Dr. Brown
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Deepen your encounter.
With step-by-step instructions for over forty ways to pray, this valuable guide contains a wealth of timeless spiritual prayer practices that Christinas have used over the last 2000 years from cultures around the world.
Among the prayer practices you'll encounter in this book are the daily office, the prayer shawl, praying with icons, centering prayer, fasting, prayer beads, walking a labyrinth, pilgrimage, anointing for healing, and praying the scriptures.
Paths to Prayer offers a whole-person approach to prayer that takes into account each person's individuality and doesn't assume we all relate to God in the same way.
A prayer self-assessment will help you reflect on your life, your preferences, and your unique way of interacting with the world. Try new dimensions of praying― innovative, searching, relational, and experiential―to deepen your encounter with the divine. Filled with beautiful illustrations and gentle instruction, Paths to Prayer will show you how to balance intellectual knowledge and these prayer practices.
Order 2nd edition paperback from Amazon.
Lead with Spirit.
Patricia Brown demonstrates that, in addition to management and administrative skills, leadership is a spiritual quest. Using stories from the workplace, church, and community, she helps the reader learn to live and lead in spirit-filled ways.
Excerpt from Learning to Lead From Your Spiritual Center
To lead, you need to know how to live from a new spiritual center. To walk in the rapture of being fully alive is to be completely awake, with eyes wide open and senses alert to the possibilities of each day. The Spirit-centered leader strives to be totally conscious and, as much as possible, self-aware in each waking moment. This fully conscious state of being comes as we experience a power that is greater than ourselves. Acknowledgment of the transcendent is central to becoming an effective leader. This transcendent power of life moves us beyond our fears to a greater freedom. It allows us to exceed our own human limitations. (Chapter 6, “Doing Spiritwork”.)
Available paper back, used on Amazon and from the author.
Discover your path.
SpiritGifts is a dynamic group experience that builds community as participants share together in study, reflective exercises, discussion, worship, prayer, music, and group activities.
The Leader's Resource includes: program helps, session guides, teaching/presentation pages, charts, spiritual gifts survey answer sheet, definitions of spiritual gifts, prayers, promotional materials and more. Leaders choose the 4-12 week approach or weekend option.
Review from Amazon site
“I have used this book for a 9 week summer course at my church (United Methodist). It was easy to use, made my job as leader a breeze. All the people who took the course were delighted with how Ms. Brown was able to take even the "unusual" gifts like tongues and make them clear and understandable to a modern person. This is a great tool to help people discover where they are being called by God, and how that call might play out in their everyday lives.”
Separate Leader’s Guide and Participant's Workbook. Available on Amazon, Cokesbury and Abingdon Press.