Coming 2022 Funeral/Burial/Memorial Officiant Certification Program
For a full description click on the title above.
Fewer and fewer people have a religious affiliation nor a pastor, rabbi, iman or other faith-based professional to help them in their grief and officiate at end-of-life events. This is why those who feel called to the work are now being invited to step forward to fill this needed compassionate service.

Summer Solstice Festival 2022
Mark your calendar now for the Summer Solstice Festival 2022, hosted by Penn Forest and Spiritworks. Plan to enjoy the sun that shines on each being on planet earth. Join with people of centuries past in this midsummer celebration. They understood that Solstice' (Latin: 'solstitium') means 'sun-stopping', because it is the point where the sun appears to rise and set --and stops and reverses direction after this day. It is the longest day of the year.
The Remembrance Ceremony sponsored by VITAS Healthcare begins promptly at 3:00 pm honoring those who have died due to COVID-19 and other causes. We will unite in meaningful rituals and live music provided by the musical group Eucalyptus. Come write and fly a white flag of remembrance in honor of your loved ones and those we’ve lost to COVID-19.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
3:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The Meadow @ Penn Forest NATURAL BURIAL PARK
This event is a great day for the young and young at heart, families and children.
Here are the performers on the main stage:
Strum along with the Steel City Ukeleles
Join the beat with Aspinwall Drum Circle with Special Guests
Enjoy Eucalyptus’ eclectic music
Delight in the acoustic guitars of the Hawthornes
Enjoy the vocal offerings of Ted Brown with his guitar
Purchase a bite to eat from Revival Chili Food Truck
…with a variety of beverages to please the whole family
and Millie’s Ice Cream Truck
Create your flower crown to wear
Paint a Kindness Rock to take and plant in your own neighborhood
Make a beaded sun catcher
Face Painting and “Dress Up” costumes
Write and fly your Summer Wishes and Intentions into the wind.
Walk the 40ft Labyrinth
Join in meditation and yoga
Visit the Farm’s goats, chickens, ducks and donkey
Hike the trail or walk the peaceful grounds
For more information : pdbrown@spiritworks.org. To register (which will help with our planning) go to: https://spiritworks.eventbrite.com.
VOLUNTEER: Want to be part of the event? All of our performers and helpers are VOLUNTEERS. Are you able to lend a hand for 1 hour or more? Do you have an art or craft, talent or interest that you’d like to share? Let us know and come and be an intricate part of this shared community day. Email Tricia - pdbrown@spiritworks.org

Harrisburg District Retreat
Harrisburg District Retreat - Paths to Prayer
Sunay, May 1, 3pm/Monday, May 2, 2022, 4pm
Mt Asbury Retreat Center
1310 Centerville Road, Newville, PA 17241
During our retreat Patricia will facilitate step-by-step instructions for some of the forty ways to pray found in her book, Paths to Prayer. At this retreat, we will consider a few of the paths to prayer and how you can help your congregation cultivate prayer practices that deepen their relationship with the divine. By exploring the faith traditions and history, prayers, and practices of different cultures through meditation, rituals, art, music and journaling, you will learn how a life of prayer - being in the presence of the Divine - helps you discover God amid the nitty-gritty of everyday living.
You will receive a copy of Patricia’s book at the retreat, Paths to Prayer: Finding Your Own Way to the Presence of God — Discover Your Prayer Type and Explore 40 Ways to Pray from 200 Years of Christian Tradition.
CLERGY WHO WISH TO REGISTER: Rev. Barry Robinson, brobison@susumc.org

December 21, 2021 Winter Solstice Illumination Gathering
Winter Solstice has been celebrated in cultures the world over for thousands of years. This start of the solar year is a celebration of Light. In old Europe, it was known as Yule, from the Norse, Jul, meaning wheel.
Light the Darkness with Loving Memories Candlelight Vigil
Light the Darkness with Loving Memories
Join VITAS® Healthcare for a
Sunset Candlelight Vigil
Thursday, October 14, 2021
North Boundary Park, Penn Power Pavilion, 1171 N. Boundary Rd., Cranberry Two. PA 16066
Light a candle and share a song, a poem, and remembrances of those you’ve loved and lost.
Join us for our sunset candlelight vigil as a beautiful way to remember and honor your loved one. Our music is being provided by the singing duo Aubergine, David McLaughlin on fiddle and mandolin and Deborah Byrum on guitar. They offer their gift of music to memorial services, Sunday services, fundraisers, in friends' backyards and coffee shops.
This free event is open to the public. CDC Guidelines will be followed.
RSVP to Tricia at https://spiritworks.eventbrite.com, or patricia.brown@vitas.com or 412.799.2123.
Invitation to a Time with Mama Arlene of Rwanda
Spiritworks is happy to invite you to an afternoon or evening with Mama Arlene Brown during her visit from Rwanda. She will give a "Book Talk” from her newly published book, Hope Made Real; The Story of Mama Arlene and the Children of Urukundo. A book talk is a short informal presentation that engages the listeners to enter into the fun, suspense, and adventures of Mama and the children. A conversational question and answer time will follow. Those new to Urukundo will have their curiosity ignited and long-time supporters will gain deeper insights into the lives of the children and Mama Arlene. Mama’s aim is for you to leave challenged and empowered to live your best life.
LOCATION: 7287 Beacon Hill Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15221 RSVP REQUIRED: Patricia D. Brownpdbrown@spiritworks.org, www.spiritworks.org
Call of Text 412-999-1912
Guests should be fully vaccinated and prepared to wear a mask.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Arlene Brown began her life in Africa in 1996, at the age of 65, as a relief worker in refugee camps following the Genocide. In 2004 she made a permanent move to Rwanda to work with non-profits for children. In 2006 she began her work creating a home for vulnerable children in Muhanga District. In 2010 she established Urukundo Learning Center a school for children of low- and no-income families in Cyeza Sector, Muhanga District. Arlene was raised in a rural anthracite region of Pennsylvania in the USA during the Great Depression, the first of seven children. In her married years she worked in nursing and industry. Arlene raised five and is a grandmother to seventeen, and great-grandmother to twenty-six. Now 90, she believes that her present work in Rwanda is her final legacy. www.hopemadereal.com
Invitation to a Time with Mama Arlene of Rwanda
Spiritworks is happy to invite you to an afternoon or evening with Mama Arlene Brown during her visit from Rwanda. She will give a "Book Talk” from her newly published book, Hope Made Real; The Story of Mama Arlene and the Children of Urukundo. A book talk is a short informal presentation that engages the listeners to enter into the fun, suspense, and adventures of Mama and the children. A conversational question and answer time will follow. Those new to Urukundo will have their curiosity ignited and long-time supporters will gain deeper insights into the lives of the children and Mama Arlene. Mama’s aim is for you to leave challenged and empowered to live your best life.
LOCATION: 7287 Beacon Hill Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15221 RSVP REQUIRED: Patricia D. Brownpdbrown@spiritworks.org, www.spiritworks.org
Call of Text 412-999-1912
Guests should be fully vaccinated and prepared to wear a mask.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Arlene Brown began her life in Africa in 1996, at the age of 65, as a relief worker in refugee camps following the Genocide. In 2004 she made a permanent move to Rwanda to work with non-profits for children. In 2006 she began her work creating a home for vulnerable children in Muhanga District. In 2010 she established Urukundo Learning Center a school for children of low- and no-income families in Cyeza Sector, Muhanga District. Arlene was raised in a rural anthracite region of Pennsylvania in the USA during the Great Depression, the first of seven children. In her married years she worked in nursing and industry. Arlene raised five and is a grandmother to seventeen, and great-grandmother to twenty-six. Now 90, she believes that her present work in Rwanda is her final legacy. www.hopemadereal.com

Labyrinth Walking Meditation
Come to Angora Gardens in White Oak, PA to walk one or both of the labyrinths; a 14 foot indoor one and a 38 foot outdoor labyrinth. Patricia will share the history of the labyrinth and instructions for your walking meditation. To register go to www.angoragardens.org.
Summer Solstice 2021 Celebration and Remembrance
Mark your calendars now for the FREE Summer Solstice Festival 2021, hosted by Penn Forest and Spiritworks,`and plan to enjoy the sun that shines on each being on planet earth. Join with people of centuries past in this midsummer celebration. They understood that Solstice' (Latin: 'solstitium') means 'sun-stopping', because it is the point where the sun appears to rise and set --and stops and reverses direction after this day.
Sunday, June 20, 20921
4:00PM - 7:00PM
Penn Forest Natural Burial Park - The Meadow
This event will be great day for the young and young at heart, families and children. Although we are just beginning to pull the day together, our plan is to--
Strum along with the Steel City Ukeleles
Join the beat with AspinwalL Drum Circle with Special Guests
Learn new movements from Tuesday Night International Folk Dance of Pittsburgh
Enjoy Eucalyptus’ eclectic music
Delight in the acoustic guitars of the Hawthornes
Purchase a bite to eat from Revival Chili Food Truck and Millie’s Ice Cream Truck
Paint a Kindness Rock with Maria St. Clair and Friends
Make a bead creation with Diane Wilson and the Wonderful Wilson Women
Weave a Dream Catchers with Nina Wilson and Friends
Write and fly your Summer Wishes and Intentions into the wind.
Join the Kindness Rock Scavenger Hunt with door prizes by dayowl.com.
Walk the 40ft Labyrinth
Meditation and Yoga with Colleen McGonigle, Krista Brown and Myrna Patterson
A 4:00pm “Time of Remembrance” will be observed. with poetry and live music. Come and plant a white flag of unity and remembrance in honor of your loved ones and those we’ve lost to COVID-19.
For more information : pdbrown@spiritworks.org. To register (which will help with our planning) go to: https://spiritworks.eventbrite.com.
Do you have an art or craft, talent or interest that you’d like to share? Let us know and come and be an intricate part of this shared community day. Email Tricia - pdbrown@spiritworks.org
Paths to Prayer Retreat
Green Hills UMC Camp, 5125 Greene Hills Manor Dr, Alexandria, PA 16611
To Register: Joleen Willis <jwillis@susumc.org>
During our retreat time Patricia will facilitate step-by-step instructions for some of the forty ways to pray found in her book, Paths to Prayer. At this retreat, we will consider a few of the paths to prayer and how you can help your congregation cultivate prayer practices that deepen their relationship with the divine. By exploring the faith traditions and history, prayers, and practices of different cultures through meditation, rituals, art, music and journaling, you will learn how a life of prayer - being in the presence of the Divine - helps you discover God amid the nitty-gritty of everyday living.
You will receive a copy of Patricia’s book at the retreat, Paths to Prayer: Finding Your Own Way to the Presence of God — Discover Your Prayer Type and Explore 40 Ways to Pray from 200 Years of Christian Tradition.

January 27, 2021,10am - 3pm - ZOOM Women’s Retreat sponsored by Olmstead Manor Retreat Center
Property at Olmstead
Registration now open.
TOPIC: Paths to Prayer
The Rev. Dr. Patricia Brown will present the many paths to prayer and how you can cultivate prayer practices that deepen your relationship with the divine. By exploring the faith traditions, prayers, and practices of different cultures through meditation, rituals, art, music and journaling, you will learn how a life of prayer— being in the presence of the Divine-- helps you discover God amid the nitty-gritty of everyday living. It is suggested that you bring a copy of the text Paths to Prayer: Finding Your Own Way to the Presence of God — Discover Your Prayer Type and Explore 40 Ways to Pray from 200 Years of Christian Tradition.

October 6, 2020, Wesley Forest Retreat Center. "Paths to Prayer"
State College "Paths to Prayer" 1-Day Retreat with CEUs
Stay tuned for more information or contact: Rev. Brenda Leigey State College District Superintendent 814-592-6324 bleigey@susumc.org

Sept. 16, 2020 Butterfly Release Remembrance Ceremony. - In this time of COVID
Along with my work with Spiritworks I am also the Bereavement Manager for VITAS Healthcare (hospice). VITAS invites you to our first ever Butterfly Remembrance Ceremony on Wednesday, September 16, 2020. This is open to the public and is a free event. It will be held at Graham Park in Cranberry Township. The service begins at 2:00pm with music, followed by a short ceremony. Upon arrival, you and the family and friends who join you, will receive a butterfly At the appropriate time in the ceremony you will be invited to release the Monarch in remembrance and honor of your loved one.
Pre-Registration is required by emailing: patricia.brown@vitas.com or by calling 412-799-2123 and speak with Patricia or leave a message with: 1. Your name and phone number. 2. The name of your loved one in whose honor you are releasing the butterfly. 3. How many may be attending with you.
This is an outdoor event and will take place rain or shine. All attendees are required to wear masks and keep proper social distancing from other unrelated parties. We are pleased to be hosting this unique event and hope you will join us for this Remembrance Celebration.

Spiritworks Labyrinth Facilitator Training Saturday, June 20, 2020, 1:00 - 4:00PM
TO REGISTER: Go to https://www.brownpapertickets.com/user/index.html or text or call 412-999-1912.
This Labyrinth Facilitator Training will prepare you to introduce others to the labyrinth in an articulate, knowledgeable and effective way. The training addresses both meditative walking and ceremonial use. It is focused primarily on the 13-Circuit Medieval Labyrinth but will introduce other forms as well. Walking the labyrinth is embraced as a spiritual practice by hospitals, hospices, schools, colleges and communities. In Pittsburgh permanent labyrinths can be found at Chatham University, The Waterfront in Homestead, Kearn’s Spirituality Center, East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Cameron Wellness Center and other locations throughout the region.
Spiritworks Upcoming
and Past Events
Upcoming Events
Mama Arlene and Urukundo’s Mission in Rwanda, Africa Presentation, State College - Sunday, October 20, 2024, hosted by Park Forest Village UMC
Featuring: Live interview and inspirational message with Mama Arlene direct from Rwanda. Patricia will be available afterward to talk with individuals about “Urukundo Travel with a Purpose” volunteer opportunities.
Pittsburgh Bereavement Network Event
Oct 26, 2024, 9am - 3pm - Regional Grief Resource Exhibition at Choderwood
Featuring: Tricia will facilitate small group activity on her recent writing from The Gap Year, Navigating Life During Transitions. which deals with the grief of major life changes, including retirement.
Annual Winter Solstice - Each December 21 - 5:00 PM Hosted by Spiritworks and Penn Forest
Featuring a Time of Remembrance and Light, a path of 100 luminaries, music and drums, an outdoor fire circle and Yule Log.
Annual Spring Labyrinth Facilitator Training - Date to be announced facilitated by Spiritworks with Penn Forest
Featuring: A Labyrinth Facilitator Training that will prepare you to introduce others to the labyrinth in an articulate, knowledgeable and effective way. The training addresses both meditative walking and ceremonial use. It is focuses primarily on the 13-Circuit Medieval Labyrinth but introduces other forms as well.
Blessing of the Animals and Remembrance Service, Penn Forest Natural Burial Park, Verona, PA - October 6, 2024
Journey to Rwanda, Africa, Urukundo Travel with a Purpose - June 26, 2024
Annual Winter Solstice - Each December 21 - 5:00 PM hosted by Spiritworks and Penn Forest
Featuring a Time of Remembrance and Light, a path of 100 luminaries, music and drums, an outdoor fire circle and Yule Log.
Summer Solstice and Remembrance Ceremony, Tuesday, June 21, 2022 hosted by Spiritworks and Penn Forest Natural Burial Park, Verona, PA
Annual Labyrinth Facilitator Training
facilitated by Spiritworks with Penn Forest
This Labyrinth Facilitator Training will prepare you to introduce others to the labyrinth in an articulate, knowledgeable and effective way. The training addresses both meditative walking and ceremonial use. It is focused primarily on the 13-Circuit Medieval Labyrinth but will introduce other forms as well.
Walking the labyrinth is embraced as a spiritual practice by hospitals, hospices, schools, colleges and communities. In Pittsburgh permanent labyrinths can be found at Chatham University, The Waterfront in Homestead, Kearn’s Spirituality Center, East Liberty Presbyterian Church, Cameron Wellness Center and other locations throughout the region.
Some take this course to deepen their own understanding of the labyrinth walk, others come for their personal spiritual journey, and still others to become a facilitator of labyrinth walks for others. Once you’ve completed this 3-hour course you will be able to facilitate and offer the portable 40-foot canvas labyrinth to schools, healthcare facilities, faith communities, and other groups.
What will the topics cover?
• The history and symbolism of the labyrinth.
• The use of the labyrinth in various setting for different audiences such as retreats, workshops, conferences, churches, hospices, schools, hospitals, prisons, community parks and centers, special needs individuals, support groups, and recovery groups.
• How to communicate in the language of particular audiences.
• Creating and preparing your presentation for others.
• Using the labyrinth for meditative walking and ceremonial/ritual use.
• How to create a sacred space before, during and following the walk.
• Experiences shared from walking the labyrinth.
• The publicity-side of presenting and hosting the labyrinth.
Location: Penn Forest Natural Burial Park
121 Colorado St.
Verona PA 15147
To register call or text 412-999-1912 or email pdbrown@spiritworks.org.
Information about Dr. Patricia D. Brown, MDiv. PhD
Dr. Brown has served as a chaplain, pastor, mission executive, associate university professor, author of eight books, and as the Bereavement Manager for a regional Hospice here in Western Pennsylvania. The work closest to her heart is as Director of Spiritworks, a 501 (c) 3 to support Mama Arlene and the children of Rwanda, Africa. See: homepadereal.org.
Widowed at the age of twenty-five with a three-year-old, she is now married to Dale Bauman, a registered nurse. They have two sons; Christian married to Sara lives in Brooklyn with granddaughter Lucia and Stephen married to Anna with granddaughter Joy lives in San Joses.
“Tricia” facilitates ongoing spiritual growth through the creation of sacred spaces and times specifically formulated to help individuals and communities to nurture greater good in the world. www.spiritworks.org
What is the Labyrinth?
Our 36-foot, expertly painted, canvas labyrinth is copied from the 13th century design found in the Chartres Cathedral, France. We also have a 14’ canvas. Both canvas labyrinths are available, indoors or outdoors and can be candlelit. Finger labyrinths are available to those who are unable to walk.
To read more about the labyrinth and how it is used for prayer and walking meditation go to www.spiritworks.org.