State College District of the United Methodist Church sponsored retreat: "Paths to Prayer" 1-Day Retreat with CEUs. This is a ZOOM event. The Rev. Dr. Patricia Brown will present the many paths to prayer and how you can cultivate prayer practices that deepen your relationship with the divine. By exploring the faith traditions, prayers, and practices of different cultures through meditation, rituals, art, music and journaling, you will learn how a life of prayer— being in the presence of the Divine-- helps you discover God amid the nitty-gritty of everyday living. The day’s text is Paths to Prayer: Finding Your Own Way to the Presence of God — Discover Your Prayer Type and Explore 40 Ways to Pray from 200 Years of Christian Tradition.
For more information and registration contact: Rev. Brenda Leigey State College District Superintendent 814-592-6324,