Contact/ Invite
"Spiritworks Center for Formation and Leadership” is a 501(c)3 non-profit. Our commitment is to work with you toward a healthier and wholistic lifestyle that integrates body, mind and relationships. Spiritworks believes in the creative energy and inherent worth of each individual
About Patricia
The Rev. Dr. Patricia Brown is the DIrector of Spiritworks. Tricia has lived and worked in NYC with a global mission board and in Harrisburg and Orlando as a resource person in spiritual formation for faith communities. In Seattle she was Associate Professor of Spiritual Formation and Direction. More recently she worked as a hospice bereavement manager and chaplain.
Tricia lives in Pittsburgh, PA with her husband, Dale Bauman. She has two sons; Christian with wife Sara and granddaughter Lucia, and Stephen with wife Anna and grandchildren Joyce and Dale (Dilly).
Tricia is an ordained clergywoman in the United Methodist Church. She brings dynamic teachings and leads retreats based upon her writings. She is the author of ten books that cover a variety of topics on spirituality, prayer and meditation, spiritual gifts and women's spirituality. Many in Pittsburgh know her from her meditation-styled yoga classes. Tricia facilitates retreats, workshops, and seminars. She frequently serves as an officiate at funerals and memorial services as well as weddings and vow renewals in the community.
Dr. Patricia D. Brown speaks and teaches on topics of spirituality and meditation. She is available to facilitate your event, retreat or workshop. You can also contact Tricia to assist with your end-of-life services or your wedding celebration or vow renewal.
Please note that Patricia donations your gits and honorariums for her services to “Hope Made Real” (501c3) that goes to support Mama Arlene and the children of Urukundo, Rwanda, Africa.
To schedule, contact Dr. Brown directly at pdbrown@spiritworks.org or 412-999-1912. Please see the listings of Workships, Retreats and Seminars.
Here are a few appreciated considerations for retreats or speaking/teaching engagements:
Reinbursement checks are made out to: Spiritwork, Inc. The Federal ID# will be supplied.
Honorarium checks may be written and mailed to: Patricia D. Brown, 7287 Beacon Hill Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15221. Apple Pay is also available.
A $100 (local) and $300 (over 100 miles) good-faith pre-reinbursement retainer is the usual amount forwarded to hold your date(s). This also allows Patricia to obtain any necessary supplies or make travel arrangements.
If Patricia for any reason must cancel, the fee is returned to you. The inviting agency forfeits the retainer if there is a cancellation for any reason.
When the event is being held in a retreat facility, Tricia requests a single room.
The above schedule is written as a guideline and is negotiable for special circumstances and constituencies. Patricia wishes to work with you and your budget.
Introduction Sheet for Patricia D. Brown
Choose the items that pertain to your audience.
The Reverend Dr. Patricia D. Brown is Executive Director of Spiritworks.
In full-time ministry since the age of 23, she has worked as the pastor of six congregations, both rural and urban, chaplain at two major medical centers, university associate professor and graduate school, and as a hospice chaplain and bereavement manager.
Patricia has published numerous books.
She's traveled to six continents for her writing and through her work.
Patricia earned her Ph.D. in Pastoral Theology and Practical Spirituality from the Graduate College of Union University, Cincinnati.
She works with the Board of Directors of Hope Made Real which supports Urukundo Foundation working with children and families in Rwanda, Africa.
On a more personal note: “Tricia” is married to Dale Bauman, a registered nurse and has two sons, Christian and his wife Sara and grandchild Lucy, and Stephen with wife Anna and grandchildren Joyce and Dale (Dilly).
Short Introduction
Widowed at the age of twenty-five with a three-year-old child, The Reverend Dr. Brown is now married to Dale Bauman, a registered nurse. She has two sons; Christian who is married to Sara with granddaughter Lucia and Stephen who is married to Anna with grandchildren Joyce and Dale (Dilly)..
Patricia seeks to be open and live in spirit-filled ways. The work closest to her heart is facilitating ongoing spiritual life through the creation of sacred spaces and times specifically formulated to help individuals and communities become alive and live in spirit-filled ways.
Publicity Statement for Healthcare Institutions and Other Organizations
Dr. Patricia Brown served as a hospice Bereavement Manager and chaplain in the Pittsburgh region for ten years. She faciliated the overall services and programs to care for the bereaved after the death of their loved one. As a Bereavement Specialist, "Tricia" works to help others find peace, renewed purpose and contentment in their lives. She believes, that spiritual care is soul-care , helping the human spirit in its search for peace. Regardless of the dying person's religious persuasion or faith tradition, or beliefs, spiritual care throughout life supplies a deep human need.
Publicity Statement for Faith-Communities
The Reverend Dr. Patricia D. Brown facilitates the mission of Spiritworks, based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. “Tricia” uses her gifts of speaking and teaching, and leading workshops and retreats on topics of spirituality. Patricia has authored many books about seeking and opening ourselves to live in spirit-filled ways. The work closest to her heart is creating sacred space where the Spirit can be at work helping others find peace, purpose, and contentment in their own lives.
Biographical Data Sheet for Patricia D. Brown (for United Methodists)
The Reverend, Dr. Patricia D. Brown, an ordained pastor with the United Methodist Church is Director of the Spiritworks, Inc. in Pittsburgh. In this position she consultants and teaches leadership and spiritual formation as well as supports educational ministry through Urukundo Foundation in Rwanda, Africa.
Topics, drawn from her published works include spiritual formation, spiritual gifts, prayer, women’s spirituality and more. “Tricia” teaches, preaches, delivers keynote addresses, and facilitates workshops and retreats.
With fourty-five years in ministry (beginning as a Licensed Local Pastor in 1978), she pastored six churches, both rural and urban and has worked as hospital and hospice chaplains and CPE Supervisor-in-residence at two major U.S. medical centers.
She studied in Germany and with an internship in Ecuador.
She served as Executive Secretary for Mission Evangelism of the General Board of Global Ministries, Director of Spiritual Nurture and Evangelism for the Central Pennsylvania Conference and Director of Spiritual Formation for the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Brown was an alternate-delegate to General Conference and a delegate and as Assistant Secretary to the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Patricia’s book, drawn from her doctoral dissertation, Paths to Prayer: Finding Your Own Way to the Presence of God – Discover Your Prayer Type and Explore 40 Ways to Pray from 2000 Years of Christian Tradition, was published by Jossey-Bass Publishing, San Francisco, Fall 2003.
Some of Patricia’s other books include Hope Made Real, The Story of Mama Arlene and the Children of Urukundo, 30 Days of HIdden Hope for Hard Times; Sustaining words for difficult financial days, Pilgrimage, SpiritGifts: One Spirit, Many Gifts, Learning To Lead From Your Spiritual Center, 365 Affirmations for Hopeful Living. She is a contributor to Meditations for Mothers of Young Children, and co-author and editor of Worship Resources for HIV & AIDS Ministries (Spanish and English), Meditations for HIV & AIDS Ministries, Heart to Heart, A Spiritual Journey for Women and From the Heart: A Personal Prayer Journal How to Create Your Own Faith-based Women‘s Christian Spirituality Group: Circle of Hearts. – most published by Abingdon Press, Nashville.
Patricia completed her Ph.D. in Pastoral Theology and Practical Spirituality, at the Graduate College of the Union University, Cincinnati. Her dissertation was: Practices of Prayer: Practical Spirituality in the Context of Pastoral Theology and her Internship was with the Formation Program in Spiritual Direction with the Institute for Christian Studies of the Episcopal Diocese, Orlando, Florida.
She was Associate Professor in the School of Theology of Seattle Pacific University and Associate Professor of Spiritual Formation and Direction at Seattle Graduate School of Theology and Psychology.
Patricia D. Brown Curriculum Vitae 2020
NOTE: For a complete CV contact Patricia.
Current Positions
Executive Director and Spiritual Director, Spiritworks Center for Formation and Leadership. Ordained Elder in Full Connection under episcopal appointment by The United Methodist Church, Susquehanna Conference.
2010 Certificate, Interim-Ministry Education, Pittsburgh School of Theology, Pittsburgh, PA. for experienced pastors to work with congregations during pastoral transition and/or congregational transformation.
2002 Ph.D. in Pastoral Theology and Practical Spirituality, Graduate College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences of The Union Institute and University, Cincinnati. Dissertation: Practices of Prayer: Practical Spirituality in the Context of Pastoral Theology. Internship: Formation Program in Spiritual Direction, Institute for Christian Studies, Episcopal Diocese, Orlando, Fl.
1984 M. Div., Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, Pa.
1980 B.S. in Education, Lock Haven University, Pa.
1973 A.A., Northeastern Junior College, Villanova, Pa.
Professional Biography
2010 - 2013 Faculty, West Virginia Licensed Pastors’ Course of Study, The United Methodist Church, “Pastoral Care for Spiritual Formation”
Present Executive Director, Spiritworks Center for Formation & Leadership: Education and training of leaders and professionals. Humanitarian philanthropy, outreach, and service projects with the Urukundo Foundation in Rwanda, Africa.
2012 - 2022 Bereavement Services Manager and Chaplain, VITAS Healthcare Pittsburgh.
2006 - 2008 Associate Professor of Spiritual Formation and Direction, Mars Hill Graduate School, Seattle, Wa.; Chair, Theology Department; Chair, TRACS Recertification Committee; Member, By-Law Committee; Faculty Advisor, Chapel/Worship Student Committee
2006 - 2007 Adjunct Faculty, Fuller Seminary, Seattle Campus. Lecturer in Christian Education and Catechesis
2003 – 2006 Associate Professor of Christian Formation and Educational Ministries, Seattle Pacific University. School of Theology, WA; Scholarship Academic Programs and Special Events; University Faculty Council; Faculty Advisor; Worship Committee of the University Chaplain
2002 - 2003 Hospice Chaplain, VITAS Hospice of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.; On-call chaplain for the dying and their families; Ecumenical religious consultant, Hospice team; Created rituals for the dying and their families
2001 Substitute Teacher, Elementary Education, Winter Park School District, Fl.
1996–2000 Associate Council Director, Spiritual Formation, Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church, Lakeland, FL; Budgeted and administered division; Authored major women’s spirituality resources; Established joint school for Spiritual Direction with the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida; Hosted National Spiritual Formation Consultation; Facitiated worship for 1,500 member Annual Conferences
1993–1996 Associate Council Director, Spiritual Nurture and Evangelism, Central Pennsylvania Conference, Harrisburg, PA; Authored resource on worship for congregations; Created resource on vocational discernment; Authored book on leadership; Administered network of field consultants.
1989 - 1993 Executive Secretary for Mission Evangelism, General Board of Global Ministries, The United Methodist Church, New York City, NY; Consulted with congregations and churches throughout U.S. and six continents; Authored two major policy statements; Served as liaison staff to the Evangelism Program Ministry of the National Council of Churches.
1987-1989 Chaplain-Supervisor Residency, Association for Clinical Pastoral Educators, Lehigh Valley Medical Center, Allentown, PA
1989 Interim Pastor, inner-city multi-racial congregation, Trinity United Methodist Church.
1987 Substitute Teacher, Elementary Education, Danville School District, Danville, PA
1984-1987 Pastor to three rural congregations, Muncy Valley United Methodist Charge, PA
1982 - 1984 Chaplain, Basic-Advanced Residency, Association for Clinical Pastoral Educators, Geisinger Medical Center and Danville State Mental Hospital, Danville, PA
1980-1981 Chaplain, Worlds End-Ricketts Glen State Parks, The Pennsylvania Council of Churches
1978-80 Co-Pastor (Clergy Couple), Student Pastor, two rural congregations, Castanea- Farrandsville United Methodist Churches, PA
Published Books
Hope Made Real, The Story of Mama Arlene and the Children of Urukndo (Bookbaby, Amazon, 2020).
30 Days of Hidden Hope for Hard Times, Sustaining words for difficult financial days (Pittsburgh, Spiritworks Press, 2009).
Pilgrimage: Meditations on a Journey of Faith (Nashville, Abingdon Press, 2007).
Paths to Prayer: Finding Your Own Way to the Presence of God. Discover Your Prayer Type and Explore 40 Ways to Pray From 2000 Years of Christian Tradition (SanFrancisco: Jossey-Bass Publishing, 2003).
How to Start and Sustain a Faith-Based Women’s Spirituality Group: Circle of Hearts (Nashville: Abingdon, 2003).
Heart to Heart: A Spiritual Journey for Women, Participant Guide (Nashville: Dimensions for Living, 1999).
From the Heart Journal: A Personal Prayer Journal (Nashville: Dimensions for Living, 1999).
Learning to Lead From Your Spiritual Center (Nashville: Abingdon, 1996).
SpiritGifts: One Spirit, Many Gifts, Participant’s Resource (Nashville: Abingdon, 1996).
SpiritGifts: One Spirit, Many Gifts, Leaders’ Resource (Nashville: Abingdon, 1996).
365 Affirmations for Hopeful Living (Nashville: Dimensions for Living, 1992).
Meditations for HIV & AIDS Ministries (New York: General Board of Global Ministries, 1992).
Worship Resources for HIV & AIDS (New York: General Board of Global Ministries, 1991).
Chapters and Articles in Books
Spiritual Direction in Context, “Circle of Hearts: Women’s Spirituality Groups” (Harrisburg, Pa.: Morehouse Publ., 2006.)
Dictionary of Christian Spiritual Formation, “Streams of Christian Spirituality: A Comparative Summary,” “Breath Prayer,” “Examen,” Guided Imagery,” Meditation, Mental Prayer,” Personality and Prayer,” “Pilgrimage,” Prayer,” “Prayer Meeting,” “Prayer of the Heart,” “Prophetic Prayer,” “Rosary, ” Verbal Prayer,” Keith Beasley-Topliffe, ed. (Nashville: Upper Room Books, 2003).
Meditations for Mothers of Young Children (Nashville: Abingdon, 1994).
Present Community Involvement
Urukundo Home for Children, Rwanda, Africa
Penn Forest Natural Burial Park, Verona, PA
Miscellaneous Addresses
E-mail: pdbrown@spiritworks.org Websites: www.spiritworks.org Address: 7287 Beacon Hill Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15221 412-999-1912
Here is a photo for publicity. Or, there is a second one right below. Your choice.
I am usually the one taking the pictures, but I found this one that someone sent me. This picture was taken at my sister’s wedding renewal service.